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Business Conference Event Promo

150 RUB



Дата публикации:

26-02-2023, 18:11


Video Templates / After Effects





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Business Conference Event Promo

Video Templates / After Effects

0 0


**Business Conference Event Promo** _Make a promotion or announcement for business events, corporate meet or live stream. Easy even for beginners. You can show in that promo – information about head speakers, names of participants, main themes of the meeting, date/time of live streaming and more details. Useful for: Event Promo Opener, Conference Promo, Seminar Promo & Intros, Online Trainings and Podcasts, IT Conference, Business Meetup, Church Event, Instagram Event Promo, Youth Events. Tell everyone about your business or corporation using that template. You can create a business timeline story about your company or success in a few clicks. Also that project is suitable for making presentations of business center, original corporate opener, company or agency advert slideshow, coworking center opener or promotion of any business event! You can produce a smart inspiring video opener, meetup or forum slideshow, advertising video and technology style presentation of any you want._

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